M.Sc. Lara Christoforakos
Dr. phil. Lara Christoforakos is a postdoc at the Chair for Economic and Organizational Psychology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich). Together with Matthias Laschke, she co-leads the BMBF research group MOVEN and is part of many research activities of the Chair.
Her research explores psychological mechanisms and design factors in the context of technology use within various fields, such as companion technologies or social robots. Within the research project MOVEN she focuses on psychological mechanisms involved in behavior change in HCI that can foster sustainability.
Projects she has worked on over the last five years have addressed prototyping of innovative technologies such as IoT and Virtual/Augmented Reality, assistive robotics as well as personalities for machinery in personal pervasive smart spaces.
At the LMU Munich she teaches courses in Market and Consumer Psychology for bachelor’s and master’s degree.